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How many classes does it take to get “comfortable” with the method?

You will definitely feel more comfortable after your first class, especially if you haven’t spent much time on a Megaformer or Curve treadmill. However we believe it really takes about four classes to fully pick up our method. Your first few classes will be an introduction to our machines and getting in your groove. By class three and four things start to really “click” and you’ll be able to push yourself even further. Make sure to check out our first timer package specials!

Should I start on the Megaformer or the treadmill?

This is totally a personal preference! For your first time, we usually suggest starting on the Megaformer so you are fresh and can be fully engaged in learning all of the moves. The treadmill is a little more self-explanatory!

When should I get to my first class?

Please arrive 15 minutes before your first class to receive the First Timer introduction to our method and machines. We are not able to let first timers into class without an introduction prior to the start of the class or if they are late to class.

What should I wear to class?

Whatever you feel most comfortable in! We do require grip socks on the Megaformer to keep your feet from sliding and to ensure cleanliness. Feel free to bring your own pair or pick some up at the front desk when you arrive. You’ll also want to have your sneakers for the CardioSculpt class.

What should I bring?

Grip socks, sneakers and water. We do ask that you not bring your cell phones into class with you, as this can be distracting and dangerous on the machines. If you are expecting an important call, you are welcome to leave your cell phone at the front desk and we can come get you.

Can I take class while pregnant?

We always suggest consulting with your doctor on this one. Typically, we don’t recommend trying a new workout if you’re expecting, however clients who have been regularly attending classes are usually clear to continue doing so. Our instructors are trained to give modifications to clients who are expecting, so please be sure to let them know before class so they can customize your workout.

How old do I have to be to come to SculptHouse?

16 with written or in-person parental consent, and 18 otherwise.

How often should I be taking class for optimal results?

For optimal results we suggest taking class 3 times a week. One of the best things about our method is its efficiency, so a few times a week is really all you need! Our workout is low impact enough for the body to handle coming every day if you want to come more.


What options do I have for buying classes?

We have a first class special for $15! After that you have a few options – individual classes, class packages or memberships. Check out our Buy Class Credits page for a full list and pricing.

Can I freeze my membership?

Yes! You may freeze your membership for up to 60 days per calendar year. If you would like to do this, file your request HERE.


What is your cancellation policy?

Our cancellation policy window is 12 hours before class, meaning if you are signed up for a 6am class you will need to cancel by 6pm the night prior. We do not allow same day class changes.

What if I miss a class?

With class packages, if you miss class you will forfeit your credit. With Monthly Memberships you will incur a $25 late-cancel fee. Check out our Studio Policies for all the details on this.